Какие университеты есть в Дании?


Мирон, 20.01.2019

Я хотел спросить какие имеются в Дании университеты?

Страна: Дания


Добрый день!


Если речь идет о бакалавриате, то computer science есть здесь:

Character Animation - Architecture, design and visual artsMathematics, natural- and computer science - Bachelor of Character Animation - VIA University College 


Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology - Engineering Mathematics, natural- and computer science - Bachelor of of Science in Engineering (Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology) - Аalborg University (AAU)


Computer Graphic Arts - Architecture, design and visual artsMathematics, natural- and computer science - Bachelor of Computer Graphic Arts - VIA University College


Graphic Storytelling - Humanities, social sciences, communication and arts Mathematics, natural- and computer science - Bachelor of Graphic Storytelling - VIA University College


International Bachelor in Natural Sciences - Mathematics, natural- and computer science - Bachelor of Natural Science - Roskilde University (RUC)


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